10 things i hate about you

I hate the way u talk to me
the way u cut your hair
i hate the way u drive my car
i hate it when u stare
i hate your big dumb combat boots and
the way u read my mind
i hate u so much it makes
me sick
it even makes me rhyme
i hate the way u're always right
i hate it when u lie
i hate it when u make me laugh
even worse when u make
me cry
i hate it when u'r not around
and the fact that u didnt call
but most of all i hate the way i dont hate u
Not even close,
not even a little bit
not even at all!
i love i love i love i love i love this poem
its so romantic in the most urgh-unromantic waay!
different people have different perceptions on love
some say falling in love only cause u heartbreak,heartache, heart disease,
well basically heart problem.
its like cutting off the life-support system of the patient which is the lover.
some say love is blind
its like blindfolding someone at a party and bringing him to a gay bar to go for (blind)date where the silly idiot which is the lover
and then some say love is like a firefly in the sky, fly fly fly around also cannot die.
ok, i made
its 1.46 in the am and i shall go to bed already.
been up the past couple of nights. not healthy at all...so to bed i go.
goodnight and sleep tight, dont let the lovers bite.
(or u'l be left with very unsightly love-bites)
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