inward-looking, christians.

Went to Church today (Planet Shakers) and it was good i must say.
Ok before i continue, i shall go to the loo first. i am feeling rather constipated at the moment.
Ok Back and Listening To: Woman/Maroon 5 OST Spiderman
Worship was awesome cos i love singing and it felt real good. Then AlterCall came and i never really liked alter calls. Its fine with me if people choose to go up, but when i choose not to, and then someone asks me why, and shares with me that i have to open up my heart for Jesus to come in, i get offended. 15 mins later, i decided i was over it, and that that person genuinely cared and was just offering some advice in good spirit.
Yeah this relationship i have with God, its between me and Jesus. You have no right to judge what level of Christianity i am on, and tell me that my heart is not open to recieving just because i choose not to show Public Display of God-Affection.
And i still find it disturbing when people speak in tongues. They say its a spiritual gift, its sorta like a higher anoiting. Some people see it as becoming a more senior/advanced/established christian if you can speak in tongues versus one who cannot. Well if you can speak in tongues and enjoy it, well and good. But i dont agree with using it in church in the public because honestly speaking, it can scare people off. Its written in the bible, in 1 Chorintians 1:14 that you should only speak in tongues privately with God. It's a God Language. So keep it to yourself, Please, Thank You.
I am comfortable with my relationship with God, and when i choose Not to go up for Alter-Call, i really dont see the need to.
When Christians say Oh, Lets Pray About It in everything that they do, it honestly gets annoying alot of the time. Because, if you want to pray about it, then Pray About it. Dont Announce All The Friggin Time that you are going to Pray about it. It makes them sound so Fake-Holy. Sometimes its genuine, yes, but it can get really sickening to listen to someone who speaks about praying about things ALL the time.
I love the fact that I have a God with whom i can be informal and friendly with, and i recognise that Jesus is great good and almighty. But i feel that Christians tend to focus too much and too highly on themselves oftentimes. We speak about evangalism, and how we should get more people to be saved and yadda yadda But ultimately, its all about themselves in the sense that they are not interested in learning about other religions and cultural/tribal groups, their ways of worship and why the idolise the Gods they were taught to worship. I think if more emphasis were to be placed on getting to know the World and its people, Christians will not be so inward-looking. Forever speaking in unknown Holy language, forever inaccessible to the rest, a barricade dividing the Christians from the Non-Christians.
People are entitled to their own way of thinking, and this is my opinion.
Regardless, i love my cell right now (we're called restorers,that will explain the picture, haha yes i thought restorers sounded funny when i first heard it. )and how im getting into God again,
but i want to choose to have Total Faith in Jesus Christ, and not Blind Faith in the Man-Made Religion Called Christianity.
(--- Crap on how women must submit men are heads of households etc. More on it next time la ;))
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