i wrote this sometime ago;

there are so many thoughts in my head right now.
american history x, white supremacists who are plain insecure bastards trying to create and sell and ideal that their warped imagination has bred.
everyone thinks their life is a vicious cycle, if not so much vicious, more routine.
some people wish they had more friends, some wish they had less superficial on the surfacefriends, the word friend is so vague, so for show: so ooh-you're-my-friend, thank you for your friendship and you're really nice and it stops there.
i like the song where is the love.it makes me happy, and sometimes quite reminscient.i just feel uncomfotable when people badmouth other people and then act all nice and fluffy in their faces. im not perfect but i dont like to participate in such conversation.
u know how they say small minds discuss people, normal minds discuss events, and great mindsdiscuss ideas?
life is monotony most times, when an ingenious piece of bright spark falls from the sky in the form of a fantastic other half/individual/person things start to getbrighter, more different, more invigourating.
porn is stimulating for humankind, but it can get very sick at times and perpetuate certainstereotypes which may not always be true. like how supposedly deep down all women enjoy rape/very rough sex but just do not want to admit it. myth or reality?
humiliation. some humans enjoy humiliating other humans. i reallytrust that these people will get their retribution.
From a God
From a God who doesnt believe in stories,stories of adam and eve from human records of history, in a certain era, by a certain gender type, from a certain social category, in the century that was biblical. Power groups have a tendancyto manipulate certain highly regarded information for their own interests.
the bible is very holy.
Do you ever wonder why the NYP SCANDAL was called "Tammy, Caught in the Act"?No one gives a damn about the guy? A stud for all they care,normal for guys to engage in sexual activity as often and open as they please, because it is in "their system/biologicalmake-up".
It shall be All About The Girl, about how SHAMEFUL and SLUTTY she is,with no values and morals. too cheap. A FUCKING WHORE. "HAHA SHE GOT FUCKED BY THE GUY".
people are so kapo and dramatic for nothing. singapore media tends to make moutains out ofmolehills. they feed people with controlled propaganda; government stimulation.
the unnecesary haze disrupts the otherwise plesant scenery;
life is too short to stand and stare.
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