Of Love That Is Unrequited.

After watching “The Holiday” which by the way wasn’t all that great; very tedious/long (135 mins!) to sit through unless you enjoy lovey-dovey predictable raw storyline; the conversations/drama that take place are mind-numbingly slow and politically correct (even Cameron Diaz’s goofy-sexy screen-persona couldn’t save it);
I had a thought about unrequited love.
What is it that makes someone cling on so badly to someone/an ideal that doesn’t respond favourably? Is it the hope that something deep will eventually evolve/the spark will re-ignite/you will reap because you sow(ed) so much time and energy into the pining of that someone. Personally, I feel its not worth it; so I don’t (and havent) fall(en) in love/like too heavily/quickly enough to have experienced unrequitedlovelessness (but this is another story/ and then at this juncture people feel the need to say- true love cannot be controlled/constrained/put into a box; you just feel/you just love/it flows it goes whether you like it anot yada yada whatever la).
But then is love equivalent to letting go? Are you obliged to feel happy and merry when you see your ex parading the streets with their newfound love? Do you give your blessing or do you enviously pine their return; therefore presenting the development of unrequited love.
Or, even the slight thought of “getting back together” with an ex/ being in extremely close proximity with a “has-been” (broke-up but still house/hall/flat mates) is a very tricky situation; it is not exactly love that is unrequited; it sorta hangs in the balance; you still date other people; mainly as a self-defense mechanism/ test of market value/ denial of break-up/attempt of a fresh start but you still position yourself close enough just in case something came up. You’ll be there; in case she decides to take you back, when she realizes what a horrible mistake she made blah blah.
In essence, love is complicated. And I don’t mean the general all-encompassing selfless sort; more so of the “had-been” love; love decorated with cobwebs; shoved under the carpet love; the great love that once was; now gone; but may make a return.
Now what if it doesn’t? Does the unloved live in constant hope/pleasure/pain/anguish that someday this relationship may one day be revived; even though the harsh reality is that it will not. You see; so its totally made-up/preventable stuff.
The only one at loss is that someone new and great and awesome who will come along; because all he/she will get is second-hand love (more on this another time)/reduced to playing sidekick to your emo/reminiscent/lovelorn+lost protagonist.
Unhealthy! And not very pleasant at all.
(sorry boys, but picture has got zero relevance to post.)
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