Hey Kids! Always Practice SAFE SEX.

You're at the Nott and You've Been Chatting to a Cute Boy.
You've had a few drinks and its been a good night. Pretty soon your pashing him and he's god damn sexy. The pub's closing up and while you're waiting to catch a taxi and he asks you if you want to come home with him. It's been a while since you had a shag and he's quite cute.
Before you make up your mind though, ask him if he's got some protection. If he doesn't, don't worry; he had better get some!
Boys generally won't miss out on sex because of a mere formality. (whoa really)
Common Forms of Contraception:
a. Condoms
Don't use one if the seal is already tornand if you need further instructions, an instruction sheet is normally included in the packet. And remember, despite what they taught you in sex education class, a condom doesn't belong on a banana.
b. The Pill
c. The Morning After Pill
Who You Can Talk To:
a. Counsellor from Community Services, 9905 3156
b. Monash Family Planning Service, 9544 9902
c. Family Planning Victoria, 9257 0100
d. Special Consideration for Study, MSA Student Rights, 9905 3118
Sponsor's Advertisment

348 Chapel Street Melbourne
www. condom-kingdom.com.au
Present your Student ID and get 10% (wow) off any purchase!
Proud Sponsor: Monash Student's "Getting To Know Each Other" Program (wtf)
348 Chapel Street Melbourne
www. condom-kingdom.com.au
Present your Student ID and get 10% (wow) off any purchase!
Proud Sponsor: Monash Student's "Getting To Know Each Other" Program (wtf)
The above is an extract from the Monash Student Association Orientation Guide 2007.
Remember, SAFE SEX is Extremely Important. No matter how ooh-so-cute! the guy is, how many times he tells you you're special and pretty and how your eyes sparkle like the bright stars in the dark night, generally how much fancy bull-shit he butters you up with, always use a condom when you are having drunk delusional feel-good sex.
It is always better to play safe nonwithstanding the fact that you may have been played. You will awake a happier person.
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