hello i think you are hot #3
attraction, is a very powerful feeling.
it is not weak like cracked pepper, it is not mild like bland soap.
you become cautious of what you say and what you do, because you want to present the right impression. your heart beats a faster rhythm (like a pop song) and you smile alot. you smile stupidly alot.
because all you wanna do is talk alot more but your brain is smiling too much that you cant really figure out what you want to say. to the person of attraction. to the person that is attractive, to the person that attracted you.
and when he asks if you like a particular genre of song you giggle um, yeah and he says ok i'l burn you a disc, and he asks what your favourite movie is, and you say um, heaps? he says why dont we watch one next saturday? and when he asks what cuisine you enjoy the most you say um, thai? he says ok i know of this place that serves pretty decent shit, you go hehehehehe and then you realise omgfuckshitcrap i just giggled like a bimbo. and then he smiles. and you smile back and you fall helplessly back into the tunnel of mindnumbingly crazy fastheartbeatmaybelove.
now you got me hooked on like a drug.
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