i can construct a fairytale with a pretty tone
tandem tandem toil and trouble
which witch told'cha to burst my bubble
do what is done
again my song is sung
i look up above into the deep dark sky
and i sort them out, one by one,
those beautiful lies
u never told me u never said
a single word that mattered
you'd regurgitate
did i mean anything to u
u didnt mean much to me
i'm sorry it had to end like that
but it really wasnt me
time and time again
i blame the sand the sun the sea
well what happened was,
i really wasnt bothered you see
will u please stop bugging me
it was never meant to be
oh please stop proclaiming this
so-called love to me
i can handle this on my own
i can construct a swirling never-ending fairlytale with a pretty tone.
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