much ado about umbrellas

yesterday was a hot day
(it was a hot day yesterday)
today was cold and rainy
(it was cold and rainy today)
bottomline, the melbourne weather is very much psycho
but i like it
i find myself blogging about the weather very many times
if i were in singapore, i would be complaining how hot hot hot it is
now im in melbourne, i can say ahh hot then cold then hot then cold cold cold
u see the difference?
there is more variety.
ok so i dont believe in umbrellas
because everytime i use an umbrella, it breaks
the wind likes to break the umbrellas i use
i do not trust umbrellas anymore
problem is, my dad likes to think that umbrellas are important in keeping u dry from the rain or safe from any impending weather disaster
but i tell him i very much prefer my own jacket, with a trusty hood
that will not break in times of strong wind or rain
my dad gets angry
he shakes his head and walks away, frustrated
thinking i am a rebellious teenager who will not listen to her wise father
who is naive and pretty much non-intelligent because she doesnt want to carry an umbrella to school everyday in her schoolbag in case it rains
ok, another teeny weeny insignificant reason on why i do not carry an umbrella
is this:
u see i the wind blew my sleek mini silver umbrella bonkers when sometime last year
so my dad took it upon himself to replace my broken silver one
i carried it out a couple of times, before i wisely decided i should retain my dignity
haha i just remembered my dad made my sisters and i each carry a plastic emergency raincoat in primary school
u know the kind u get for free in your national day parade goodie bag (which i did in primary 4)
on top of that, he bought each of us an umbrella
which i lost on a frequent basis
so my dad ended up buying me multiple umbrellas,
each new replacement umbrella was accompanied by long muddlesome lectures on how i should learn to be organised, and learn to keep my friggin umbrella in my schoolbag at all times
there is no reason y i shld lose it again, and if i do.. yadayada
ok. moral of the story
equals umbrellas are virtually useless in an psychotically unpredictably windy place like melbournebut okay to use in mild equatorial singaporean weather. usage in accordance with an emergency raincoat will guarantee unbelivable high-class 100% confirm protection from the big bad rainy weather.
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