oh what a stereotypical world

i just want to speak without anyone judging me
but people judge people based on their superficial appearances
and its so unfair
because no person looks the same
because we live in a sick world
where every freaking one is so godamn critical
you try to make a good impression
and secretly deep down inside you want everyone to like you
you avoid stepping one people's toes
for fear you might actually trip them
and when they fall
you fear revenge
my philisophical side sometimes brings me too far and too long round the bush
i like it when people in general do not take things too seriously
i am far from being a perfectionist
i honestly cannot be bothered with too much organisation (which is detrimental most times)
seriousness puts me off
because its just crap when life is so short
too short to worry about everything, too short to cry about something
all the time
he could be here today but gone tomorrow
she could be healthy today but dying tomorrow
why do skinny girls complain they are too fat?
there must be something so wrong with the world
i also feel that we are better off not being taught to be non-racist
because if little kids didnt know the previous tension/difference
between black and white
they wouldnt grow up being concious of the fact that being of a different race makes you diferent,
possibly superior to another
before i read to kill a mockingbird i wasnt really clear on the distinction between black and white people,
except for the obvious physical difference between skin color
then i begin to see them in a different light
because i sort of pity them for being oppressed once, being treated so unfairly and inhumanely by the whites
then i wouldnt have formed the perception that white people are idiots
and white people probably think chinese or rather asian people are quiet submissive and cannot speak for nuts
you see these are stererotypes
nobody wants to be pitied
at least i dont
when people say sorry to me i feel offended
i dont like being percieved as being let down poor and pathetic
im sure blacks hate it when non black pple look at them and say
'aw uve come so far since the time you were slaves'
like shut up. what do u know about our race
nobody wants to be seen as an inhumane idiot as well
for every white who passes a racist comment
there are a 100 000 more who embraces the difference in cultures
not all asians are quiet submissive and non proactive
stereotypes stereotypes stereotypes
they kill all of us eventually
we are so seperated
because we are misled by the barriers of our past
hmm... think we all do that subconsciously... stereotype i mean... it's the brain's way of storing information i think... trying to find associations, similarities vs differences... trying to ascribe meaning to our observations when sometimes there just isn't... like my off-the-wall typologies of mrt-izens... i'm quite sure bishanites will not appreciate me calling them bengs... nor AMK dwellers being labelled aunties... gross generalisations and stereotyping arise from the lack of information... pigeon-holing is borne out of convenience and laziness... lack of information breeds generalities... it's the way of the world... sigh... only solution is to make an effort to get to know the other side well... if we have details, then we can talk differences... then we won't have to lump everyone in piles... ;-)
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