smapper blashphemy

christmas was quite merry with masquerade party, and so was neuvo yearvo at esplanado.
i hate those fake snow sprayers tho. irritating pieces of shite.
prata at thomson past midnight was okay, but the briyani tasted a tad cold and odd.
i suffered from slight stomach discomfort after that.
Human beings are essentially very similar, except we come in different casings.
And these casings form superficial barriers which may present a chore in attempting to cross, sometimes.
But still, life goes on, albeit sheltered, and away from the warm world of harmony that we ought to be.
You know when I see two old people hold hands you know their love is real, and not just an act between two good-looking people gaining superficial satisfaction from each other’s pretty surface.
Not that there cannot be true love between good looking people.
But beauty is entirely subjective nonetheless. It is adjusted according to an individual’s personal taste and preference. Can skinny eyes look good with high cheekbones? What about long lashes and thin lips?
Or maybe for guys its just a tits and ass thing. Yeah but apparently when you fall truly madly in love with the right woman you don’t focus so much on the size of boob or butt. You see, the problem with this world is, guys can play around and then choose to settle down and it’s okay. They become stud-like, they grow, its’ a process of maturity and manhood, a journey. But when a woman attempts to gain pleasure through the same measure, it suddenly becomes all about being a slut.
This double-standard is not nice.
Beware, you can find nothing wrong with being gay but you do not necessarily have to be
I personally believe that sex shouldn’t be casual. Just like how some people prefer peanut butter to nutella, other girls should be able to make choices without being unfairly stereotyped.
But what can you do to the inner workings of a person’s twisted narrow mind? It is a result of this strange conservative and uptight society that we live in. You can only take in, swallow and smile.
I only hope that with time, things will change.
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