Thursday, April 27, 2006

having vague affection for beer bottles on camera; i asked these 2 gentlemen to kindly pose (act natural) for me as they manly sipped from their bottles of beer; unfortunately they didnt manage to look cool enough for my camera; because one kept laughing while the other propped the beer bottle uncomfortably against his lips; looking very much like a nazi prisoner of war who was being tortured by hitler by being forced to down alcohol.

them aside;

there is this strange relationship that exists between guys and alcohol and guys and sport; and well, bluntly put; balls. you see soccer, where 22 grown men and 1 referee chase after A ball, tennis where they bounce each other's green balls; and golf, where they stand for hours at one spot; in various positions no doubt; attempting to shoot balls into holes.

pardon all the punnery and what not i have no time to edit them away.

anyhoos. male and all that macho-ness; the crisis of masculinity; they think they damn cool when they get together, male to male discussing hot chicks, farting and making gorrilla sounds whilst patting each other on the back; these are all part of the male code; which although slightly disgusting at times, is absolutely essential for their survival, in this cruel cruel world. this is makes them tick and uber happy; ready to play with their balls (pun intended); all over again.

if you think women have it hard; just look at your next door male; trying hard to pretend to be somebody; the little boy trapped inside the almighty facade of manliness.


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