Tuesday, January 10, 2012

music and love

so basically i kinda think that music is like the soundtrack to life. it stimulates rejuvinates and consistently recreates. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home without you i will be, so far away from home. far away from home by groove coverage is stuck in my head right now. but another song will soon take its place, and bring forth a different emotion, unique, distinct and handcrafted. i cannot predict it, i cannot determine it, i cannot draw boundaries around it. it’ll come, it’ll bring me on a merry-go-round, and i’d happily spiral up and down.

and sometimes i think that if we all loved a little more in this world, we’d become a more functional society. lesser bills to pay, more hope, more dope. we’d all run on laughing gas. we’d buy eggs that are free range, heck we’d not eat eggs at all. we’d set all the chickens free. we’d stop drinking milk. we’d let the cows peacefully feed their young. we’d cut out pork, and cullling of piglets crying at slaughterhouses, burdened with the full blown intelligence of 3 y/os. we’d live on veggies and run free on green grass, fresh air. blue sky. there’d be no abandoned dogs and kittens. no abuse. no use. no sex trade, flesh trade. manipulation, institution, consititution. we’d roll around in rainbows, bright lights, drenched in continual sunlight. 
until then, we have to keep trying. reach for the moon.
if you don’t get there, you’d fall amongst the stars. 
all you need, is love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

knock knock

5:56 AM  
Blogger Ace said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2:03 AM  
Anonymous Ocean said...

oh well don't really know
you got those messages?
spam ends up in junk so
check your other/spam pages

give me an indication!
vilification to excommunication
or vindication for dedication
amplification of communication!?

rhyme overkill oh ya

2:16 AM  

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