Thursday, April 8, 2010


The film and the song both dispel so much passion. The insanity of love, the pain and suffering that comes with being in love. Are you strong enough? Are you fragile enough? Love shatters, love recombines, love builds, love darkens and obliterates. Do you have the balls, the soul, the heart, and most importantly-- do you have the mind for it? That is the question, that is the experiment. Love is a train rushing at the speed of light. It's a giant speck of whiteness or a giant speck of blackness. - anonoymous, youtube.


Blogger Ace said...

i am no expert in love. but i heart this quote from chaos theory.

Ever hear of chaos theory, Christine? It's a science, tries to determine underlying patterns in chaotic systems. Weather, ocean currents, blood flow, that sort of thing. But it turns out that there are few things more chaotic than the beat of a human heart. Its beating up, slowing down. Pretty face, flight of stairs. It's always changing depending on what's happening out there. It's an erratic son of a bitch. But underneath all of that bump-da-bump mess, there is in fact a pattern, the truth, and it's love. Most important thing about love is that we choose to give it, and we choose to receive it. Making it the least random act in the entire universe. It transcends blood, it transcends betrayal and all the dirt that makes us human. If you can figure that out, the Jake Lees of the world got nothing on you.

being human gives us the ability to make choices.
to succumb to conditions, to fight against deviations.
to triumph. to love.


9:47 AM  

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