i have pop-star aspirations
the reason by hoobastank makes u feel all reminscent and soppy and mushy and in da mood fer lurve.
it makes u want to cuddle up under your blanket and reflect on the happy times.
well not that the times today are non-happy.
anyhooos. fantasia won american idol! wheee. she deserves it cos when she sings she sings with her heart. and i like that because i can relate to her because i sing with my heart, too.
yeah i can whip up a mean tune in the soggy comfort of my bathroom.
that is where i sing my heart (and lungs) out and belt out marvellous-sounding octave-defying tunes from the 80s to the 90s to the present. i sing michael jackson and the moffats, i scream diana ross and rap usher.
i sing with my heart and croak like a toad, too. heh.
but i sing for myself and any unfortunate soul within a 10 metre radius of the bathroom.
i dream of being up on stage with a gorgeous dress and pretty make-up with glitter on my eyelids and shimmer on my cheeks. i dream of singing in front of a thousand people who will stare at me in awe and immense joy as i perform.
Fantasia sang in front of 65 million people, on national tv.
damn, im so jealous my evil green singsong horns are poking out through my head. I'm drooling slimy drool and snorting out hot orange fire with my rotten flared up nostrils.
i aspire to be like her. Bathroom singer anyone? i'm willing to learn!
and so i continue to dream.

the reason by hoobastank makes u feel all reminscent and soppy and mushy and in da mood fer lurve.
it makes u want to cuddle up under your blanket and reflect on the happy times.
well not that the times today are non-happy.
anyhooos. fantasia won american idol! wheee. she deserves it cos when she sings she sings with her heart. and i like that because i can relate to her because i sing with my heart, too.
yeah i can whip up a mean tune in the soggy comfort of my bathroom.
that is where i sing my heart (and lungs) out and belt out marvellous-sounding octave-defying tunes from the 80s to the 90s to the present. i sing michael jackson and the moffats, i scream diana ross and rap usher.
i sing with my heart and croak like a toad, too. heh.
but i sing for myself and any unfortunate soul within a 10 metre radius of the bathroom.
i dream of being up on stage with a gorgeous dress and pretty make-up with glitter on my eyelids and shimmer on my cheeks. i dream of singing in front of a thousand people who will stare at me in awe and immense joy as i perform.
Fantasia sang in front of 65 million people, on national tv.
damn, im so jealous my evil green singsong horns are poking out through my head. I'm drooling slimy drool and snorting out hot orange fire with my rotten flared up nostrils.
i aspire to be like her. Bathroom singer anyone? i'm willing to learn!
and so i continue to dream.
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