i study very hard for my exams

spring time it is! you cannot study in spring

sharing a love(ly) chocolate

i rented dvds even though i was supposed to be preparing for the exams

a fight over a bottle of coke while i snap happily a-way
i am the mistress of procrastination,
i really am
it is a week to the exams
and i am barely halfway through my revision
maybe i expect a miracle to occur,
that my pen will magically leak out the answers
on the exam manuscript
that the invigilator will pretend not to see as i
copy from shredded pieces of post-its in my pencilcase
that the examiner will be high on alcohol as she
marks my paper sweetly
oh, how i wish.
you see, the problem with me is that i continue to lament and complain
even though i am perfectly aware that this time
can be put to better use by sitting myself down
and attempting to begin studying for the impending exam(s).
but i wont.
i will wait till it is 1 or 2 days exactly before the examination.
it is then that i feel the pressure, pressure often too immense i cannot
hide from
then i start studying
so u see, that is the perfect way to obtain mediocore results
maybe because in more ways then one
i am in fact a genius because even with last minute study i manage to get away with slightly more than a pass
OR,i am ignorant and silly and downright lazy
for not starting earlier because i wasnt once the least bothered

while out on friday 2 girls in skimpy clothing stood along the pathway
no actually in the middle of the pathway
outside target centre giving away free cookies
being a very greedy singaporean, i walked up to her and asked her for a bag
paiseh to take more, romi n fadz didnt bother
ahah stupid bag only got 2 premature looking dishrevvelled cookies
yeah but what the heck, they were free! ahhaha
they accompanied my mango citrus frappacino blended tea from starbucks
which tasted like shit
it pretty much was sour orange juice lah ok
no wonder they use such a fancy name to con innocent unknowing thirsty customers like me
stick to coffee only the next time u're at starbucks
they cannot make anything else
ok my mind has completely blanked out
cant end this post nicely
Ha. Starbucks for coffee? Sorry, what? Oops, my overly-anal coffee-purist tag is showing.
they have famous amos cookies here?? where? wherE??
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