cat scream and passport picktures

i just heard a cat scream. like vad the hell. very freaky sounding
high pitched and eerie, a solitary fingernail running against a chalkboard.
the other day amy and i decided to take cool pictures in a photobooth we went around asking for change and this wretched man said no one dollar coins.the machine also accepted 50 and 20 cent coins so we went back a second time and he said cannot change go and ask the kodak shop. we trudged over to the kodak shop the girl said sorry no change once again and blardy hell stupid selfish singaporeans it wasnt as if we were begging them for money and shit we had perfectly functional two-dollar singaporean notes that we wanted to EXCHANGE.

this is the shop that the selfish guy owns. thomson plaza. may he go terribly bankrupt and die a terrible death. i curse him with incurable lung disease.
God tells me he will be crippled in time to come and will never ever walk again.
same to the kodak girl. those 2 stupid piece of shits.our saviour-ress came in the form of a very nice lady selling dim sum beside the neoprint machine beside the foodcourt. she made so much more sense then those dumb in flexible idiots and kindly gave us loose change. like as if changing dollar notes for coins will cost them two fingers and a toe.
what the hell is wrong with the singaporean mentality. everything cannot this cannot that. they have to gain from something in everything otherwise to hell with the other party i am not going to help you even though it is within my ability go and die and fend for yourself because i stand to gain nothing from it.
to hell with stupid shitheads like will be retrenched and jobless and poor and will only be left with one dollar coins.No big deal? No Big Change. Nanny poot.
oh dear... sounds like you met the shopkeepers from hell... yeah... they won't break notes for you unless you buy something from them first... strange... same in some hawker centres... you can't sit at the tables in front of their stalls unless you order from them... no such rules exist, so how did they come up with it? i mean its a public space and diners ought to be able to sit anywhere, right?.... sigh... like you said... stupid shitheads...
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