she waved at me, and i said goodbye.

Children born into brothels: is it a conscious choice that they or their mothers make; being born slaves to the desires of men? The world is sick, and it agitates me to think, in detail, about the horrific things that happen on a daily basis. So sometimes you live in comfortable denial, like how some women are so anti-feminist. Men are gentlemanly, they protect us, we need shelter and warmth, why make an issue out of nothing? The list is exhaustive, blatant inequality in the workplace, the under appreciation of housewives in the economy, sexual objectification, family preferences (male heirs), sick tradition (bride burning) amongst many others. So when some women realise this difference enough to do something about it, people label them “feminists” and chug them aside, together with all those legal/social theorists who are too smart for themselves, who write crazy things and live in a bubble.
When will feminism cease to become a mere theory?
It is now an overlooked concept that people now associate with unattractive, hairy, bra-burning women who are anti-shaving cream and have nothing better to occupy themselves with except with their immense unexplainable hatred for men. Retarded womenfolk going on non-stop, pain in the arses who cannot stop viewing themselves from the oppressed victim perspective.
The great Sigmund Freud has kindly identified this as “penis- envy”. Something to do with the female’s obsession for all things phallic, and of a mother having sex with a son. Correct me if I am wrong, but he just writes a whole bunch of horse shit.
Yes, I’d like that both sexes live in harmony and that we cease all this ‘women-are-victims’ nonsense but look carefully and see the cracks on the wall in this happy room that is the world. Women are more prone to being victimised in a society that is immensely patriarchal, and that is a fact. Just look at the double standard of having sex, men do it they score women they a whore. Society has throughout time been conditioned to centre on the premise of male gratification, desire, pleasure and wants.
Muslim men can have more than one wife, Chinese emperors had concubines, and only until recent times has emphasis been placed on the female orgasm. People use the excuse of the biological make-up of males. More tetesterone, naturally horny, thus entitling the male to the exclusive rights to sex as much as they please.
Women have recently learnt that they can gain pleasure through sexual intercourse as well. Sarong party girl
, shows like Sex and The City and Desperate Housewives are good examples. It depends on an individual’s personal preference, really, some like it more then others. Why label a woman an immoral slut with no values just because she decides she is happy getting pleasure through sex? Is it wrong then, to satisfy your sexual desires just because you are female?
You have to be coy, and sweet, like a proper lady.
Hence, in rape trials, a women’s character is questioned. Did she dress provocatively? Was she in a mini-skirt? What underwear was she wearing? Cotton panties would mean a pure, virginal angel, a good girl and a sad, vulnerable victim who was unfairly exploited. G-strings,on the otherhand, would be implied evidence that she was whore-like and had therefore brought the rape upon herself (Btw, only the girl would know what underwear she had on, let alone her prepetrator).Women are always portrayed and stereotyped as only either extreme.
They are then asked to repeat and recall and describe in nitty gritty detail exactly how they were raped. The size and length of his dick when he was flaccid, the size and length of his dick when he was erect, how many fingers went in, how many times he rammed in and out. Who in their right mind would stop to count and take measurements when so grossly violated?
And so when the woman fumbles and murmurs because she is intimidated and unsure, the defence slams her as a liar, who cannot give hard evidence because she is making things up,that the sex was consensual,and the innocent victim was really the man, because, he was set up by a loose woman who deceptively cried rape.
The legal system is flawed. Women are raped a second time in court.
Sure, the accused does have a right to defend himself; but more often then not, the guilty bastard gets off scott-free, through clever manipulation of the legal procedure; and, even if they are convicted, sentences are far too light, if rape cases ever do get reported at all.
If women have so called embraced their sexuality, then, will they not find rape pleasurable? My answer to you is this: You are stupid and will die a gory death. God Bless your Wretched Soul.
The vicious cycle continues; at the expense of women and their rights.
The world is sometimes slightly disgusting. Sure there are happy things but it’s mostly disgusting. War, rape, abuse, poverty, discrimination. Maybe it is this that makes us human, very far away from perfection.
ok first i gotta say "WOOHOOO WAY TO GO ANGRY GIRL!" bcos u certainly sounded like u could piss fire. and then i have to say, right on!
its interesting to note that u mentioned feminism and all its negative connotations; well this sem i took this class which has a very heavy feminist undertone to it, but yeah, mostly ppl didnt wanna label themselves that cos its well, stereotyped and i totally understand. but feminism aint all about those radical girls who don't shave and watnot...its about standing up against violence, rape, discrimination and lots more!
so, keep writing christine! and may we all help spread the word!
Ok...guy here speaking. Frst up, i wanna say that i am not a MCP and rape makes me sick, and all that jazz.
Women who choose prostitution are not 'slaves to the desires of men'. As u can see, its by choice. It is an occupation. Not an occupation that i support but an occupation nonetheless. If there are needs and wants, there are jobs to fill.
Because the circumstance drives these women to do drastic things to make a living does not mean that they are forced. What is there to do about it? Sometimes people gotta do what they gotta do. If we care so much, we should go and donate money to oxfam or red cross or something. If we don't, i don't see the point of trying to cry out against the fate of these women. Till we start to do something about it, we are just hypocrites trying to justify the world.
The world is harsh. It's reality...
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