I feel like writing.
I am listening to I don’t want you back by Eamon, and there’s something really soothing and surreal about it. It makes me feel sentimental comfortable.
No lah, its not that I broke up with some dude and really crave for us to be back together and all that shit. More often than not I like a song for its tune than its lyrics.
Well it depends, actually. The “fucks” that appear in the song are pretty well-placed. Like you can sing along to the song and only sing one word.
Haha. But after listening to the song many times u’d know more words, of course, then it’d be like a story in a song.
I like the beginning, too.
I think we’re all born dependent, we die dependent too.
You know the whole ‘ashes to ashes, dust to dust’ thingamig.
But this time not in the spiritual “oooh we don’t bring our material riches to heaven, we attain “immortal richness”, there, in the paradise that is heaven.
Only open to Christians, Mind You. All you non-believers, Go to Hell! (It is hard, to understand, why so elitist? There is no universal uniform definition of a Christian anyway, a man-made concept? Probably. Who writes these rules?)
Okay, back to the point.
We start off as babies with drool and end off as elderly, on a stool.
Basically, we need support. It’s part of life I guess, as much as you want to be independent and strong (physically) you will find that your body will deteriorate at lightning speed.
We take for granted that old people want to be old.
Now that we’re young, we don’t really care and do what we’re supposed to do, help an elderly lady up the bus etc.
Because its moral obligation.
But they are scared of being old and thus quicker to the point where they might cease to live.
Because all of us will die, anyway. One day.
Okay, I’ve ranted on enough, I really need to get back to shitty contract and crim.
I distract myself too easily.
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