I feel
Amazingly refreshed
Because my room is (*gasp) clean now! Haha and ive accomplished so much already in the first half of the day! My room is clean, my clothes are hanging on hangers, you can actually see my floor! Don’t , Never, Underestimate a the power of a clean room.
and all before 12pm! Never ever underestimate the joy of morning time!
i felt especially pressured to get up early today because it was a saturday and on saturdays (and sundays)my dad stays at home and he is extremely anal about late-sleepers and when he is anal he nags and starts to make alot of noise in the mornings.
because i wanted to appear like a good filial daughter who rises early in the day to do her homework, for once, i decided to get up early to freak my dad out.
ghaha something along the lines, minus the freak.
anyway, i actually got up cos i needed to use the loo but ended up walking into the kitchen/dining room blurry eyed hair shockingly messy-like a mohawk without the gel Anyway, i decided to sit down and read some newspapers whilst my dad watched tv, happy.
I feel freakin’ awesome!
Step Number Two is to start on my assignment already! i/have/an/essay/due/in/one/fricken/day.
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