black talk.

hush now; my dear.
listen to what i have to say.
for your time is up
its coming
i have a feeling
you are so unnerving
i liked the way you combed your hair
with gel, and to the side.
your trousers; perched high upon your waist.
you touched me with passion
you penetrated me with lust
fierce and unmoving
above my fragile pleading
i never agreed my baby
i never did.
you said you were sorry;
but you never meant what you said,
you told me you loved me
i knew you still loved me baby;
i really knew you did.
i knew you still loved me
when i saw you dance to your favourite song
as i pulled out your favourite crystal glass
and decorated your favourite wine;
exquisitely laced
trembling with poison.
fresh and undisturbed you lay
possibly happy baby
did i not free you of your misery; love.
your misery of loving me.
my darling now close your eyes
remember you got to listen to what i shall now say
hush now my baby
go to sleep and find some peace.
god; he will help you.
go down on you knees and pray.
his thorns will pierce you
sharp and clean
lifted up to a higher haven;
one yet to be seen.
blood; it dribbles down your lips
oh; so sweet.
crimson and red; just like those roses
you gave me on our first date.
i knew you loved me; hush.
no need to say.
hush now baby;
please, please obey.
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