save me father; from this misery.

when you proclaim to have faith in christianity
be sure its not faith that is blind
because what it really seems to me now;
is that christians are following like blind sheep, an
ideal that they have constructed through rigourous
amounts of brainwash ritual and literal biblical interpretation.
i find myself watching sermons on tv and
hearing pastors in churches
and even fellow christian friends;
going all smoke all smoke
when they endlessly proclaim OUR GOD is better than
anyone else's and we will not fear because OUR GOD reigns
and he will reign forever and we're so much better than you;
lowly non-christian, because OUR GOD is with us.
please be kind, and Share your God;
Jesus only said I am the Way the Truth and The Life
because the persecuted christians in those times
were trying to explain to the Jews what Jesus meant to them.
If you have done the requisite amount of research/study into
the reasons behind why verses were written, how they came to be
compiled, do you not think you can do yourself a favour to take in
the inner workings of surface misgivings and thus begin to realise
how thoroughly interesting your religion is and therefore
continue attempt to spread the holy word of christ and his eventual
coming to the poor the sick and the lonely; the underprivilleged
and the incomplete; because they lack the Christian Christ in their
unfulfilled small-time lives.
What if CHRIST did not only belong to the Christians?
Find out; attain knowledge, maybe familiarise yourself with Gnoticism;
sing a new song, dance to a different beat; and
Make your own decision.
well said, chris. it's not just christianity though...u've got the hodge-podge of ppl trying to prove they are right, at any cost. scary.
*we want more we want more*
yeaaaahhh wani
crazy obssessed people who create weird rules and impose them on other people in the name of religion.
blooodaey hell ;).
p/s my sis's website is still hanging in the air, and once she gets her stock out i'll let u know yeah!!
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