obituary. 26/6/06.

This is Sofia Rodriguez-Urrutia Shu.
She was eight-years old.
She was eight when she was abducted, stripped, strangled, raped and then murdered at a disabled toilet at the Livingstone Marketplace shopping centre in Canning Vale, Perth, one week ago, on Monday.
Her naked body was found on the toilet floor; her clothes in a stack piled nearby.
When Sofia failed to emerge within a few minutes her uncle and brother searched the female and male toilets but could not find her.They got no response when they knocked on the locked door of the disabled toilet, where police say the girl was probably being attacked at the time. After searching the car park, her brother returned to the toilets and found Sofia's naked body on the toilet floor, as a man fled the scene.
21 year old Dante Wyndham Arthurs has been charged with her murder and is currently being held in a psychiatric hospital.
reading too much local paper already (malaysian paper) so this is kinda the norm...but i guess its to be our population grows, the number of psycho-useless-bums-theives-murderers-rapist-burglars-druggies-thrill-seeking-bastards will increase as well....
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