Sunday, October 22, 2006

boys who play.

skirt chaser
black blazer
sharp pretense
of a star-gazer

ooze charm
cause harm
flirt hurt
no alarm
you're all of numb

drift this way
mud to clay
just mere play
root on hay

illusion of satisfation
tinted sexual fascination
girly giggles, heartbroken sighs and fragrant lies
fragrant lies

temporal high
lolita cries

the thrill dies down
the world spins around
your cock the clown

another fuck newfound
captive to be bound
blindness takes over
your lust is crowned



Blogger Alamak! Wani! said...

hey i actually really enjoyed this almost-lyrical-in-a-dark-way piece.

so true and so sad. but of course that isn't the whole male population we're talking about. so don't get all huffy about it boys =p

oh ya, good luck for ur exams!

10:56 PM  
Blogger c said...

haha boys and huffy.

yeah its sad; but could be seen either way though; the victim was more intended to be the GUY cause he gets so self-absorbed (gain/glory/narcissism) in his sexual chase that he loses himself to lust.

you know; captive to be bound/cock the clown/lust to be crowned! [and he becomes dead and void of feeling in the process]

HEH ;)

1:09 AM  
Blogger Ace said...

not everyone operates on lust.

boys who play exists because of girls who want to be played and girls get played because of boy who have to play. its a cycle that we create. an endless cycle of love and hate.

but there are still some stupidsome who still believe in pure and true feelings. some even platonic. some are crude, rough, not perfect.

the world operates on the principle of balance and where some qualities are ample, others will be deficient. people with perfect physique but fractured moral fibre? are they preferable?

may you find the rare few unique holistic pieces.

yin and yang are not perfect shapes, but they make the whole circle.

2:33 AM  

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