Saturday, September 30, 2006

the radio plays my favourite song

flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things
come to an end.

its september too soon, and second semester is ending.
before you think i am becoming a maniac depressive
thou shalt halt thy thinking.

i like this song by nelly furtado; it is called
all good things (come to an end)
how tragic huh, but things circle in cycles anyway
heh heh
go download the feat. chris martin version cause its more
guitar-based and spicy.

i am trying to sound coherent but i cant help typing in prose/snippet form, it sorta brings out the artistic poetress in me. soishallattempttosqueezeeverythingisaytogethertomakemyselfsoundmorecompleteandwhole.
what completes you?
cherries and blackberries and hotcakes with sweet syrup?
i can make do with macdonalds hotcakes on a sunday morning when the rain is pouring and the clock is ticking and the waitress is serving and the cashier is chinging and the birds are singing.
shit i cant type without trying to rhyme.

ok. today was a good day. i liked today. and many other days.
because i thank god for days in general. they happen. and so does shit.
shit happens.

grey's anatomy was named after a famous textbook; by gray. gray's anatomy for students was its name.

i think there is always someone greater and someone lesser than yourself, so when you keep creating benchmarks all around you, it can get pretty tiring.

models are models and they only compose 9% of the whole world but they appear in 90% of all advertising material which means we are heavily exposed to unreal images which feed our heavily vulnerable minds which spur skinny girls to go on diets to become even more skinny; you dont need to become a bag of bones to feel some self-love.

religion is division. we abide by age old doctrines written by people with biased minds, to question is to deviate.

pray and everything will be alright. praypraypraypraypray readtheeffingbiblebecause godcares and he will be there for you and hewill make your world okay, so that you wont feel lonely anymore. self-help in a can? canfood is mass processed, the church feeds the people every sunday. we leave the holy building happy people. assured that God will help US in OUR time of trouble. human beings are frail we are emotional rollercoasters, religion soothes us so we dont hurt so much. take your pick; if you like elephants, choose hinduism; tudungs? islam; josssticks? buddhism; owning a heaven and restricting access to it? christianity.

what is a cult? it is a minority religion. scientology is a cult, so are the mormans, and jehovah's witness, according to some. and these are off-shoots of christianity. ironic? the brethen is a cult in australia which follows human man of god, and strictly prohibts outside contact with non-brethen christians, for they are unpure; the muslim term infidels similarly exclude those they constitute as non-holy; whilst the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of latter day saints thrives on polygamy, for we are called to be fruitful and multiply.

now what would you say is truly correct?

the human mind is capable of expanding, contracting and manipulating pieces of information to suit their personal interests. so everything therefore; is innately subjective. you have your slice of cake, whilst i have mine.

now having written all of the above, what is the label your subconcious has plastered onto the author of this post? you see, we are all thinking creatures; what is written here is not necessarily indicative of personal experience or heartache, it is a general train track template mode of thought.

okay, its time for me to depart and GOBACK to reading my newly-bought OCTOBER issue of CLEO, so that i can educate myself on HOW TO TELL IF A GUY LIKES ME and THE TOP 10 WAYS TO SHAKE THAT BOOTY keep track of the 203 NEW CELEBRITY TRENDS THIS SUMMER; because, in all dylexsic intellect, there should be a small amount of ditzy.

i say balance is key.


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