So what about feminism?

"The point of feminism--of any civil rights movement--is every person's right to be who they are. "- Bitch/Elizabeth Wurtzel

I was reading this book by Elizabeth Wurtzel and these are my thoughts concerning feminism.
Many people say feminism is when men-hating, bra-burning women with hairy legs get together and scream and shout about how unfair life is, how men are the scum of the earth, and how both sexes have to be on par in every aspect of life.
Some people percieve feminists to be crazy female nutcases fighting in vain for a lost cause. Penis-envy. Females without the all power-wielding dick. They are but pussies, with no balls, just a bunch of good for nothing slimy sex-objects who want to be male. It's like an aids sufferer wanting to get rid of the disease. There is no cure, bitches! Being female is Your disease.
Feminism is an avenue and a movement to enable women to be actually aware they have rights, that they are in fact really human; skin, bone, and breasts. No matter how many times your husband's fist rams against your eye, no matter how many times you are told there is no point in obtaining an eductation because your lot in life is cook, sew, and make babies, You Have A Choice.
You are female, and you have a RIGHT TO CHOOSE.

If you choose to cook dinner while your husband reads the newspaper and kiss him goodbye as he leaves for work every morning, ITS YOUR CHOICE.
If you choose to get a masters degree PHD in science/computer/engineering technology and become the CEO of a great transnational corporation like Microsoft, it is also your choice.
Feminism is about the freedom to wear a micro miniskirt and strappy high heels without people spitting in your face and saying: "what a slut, she is asking to be raped."
That's it.
Feminism = Female, with the Freedom to Choose.
well said..
very well said.
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