i like beautiful strangers.

i lofved the theme behind the show closer.
walking along a busy street you spot a certain alluring someone
a bright shiny cheesy star amongst the sea of no-ones.
you feel strangely drawn to the stranger
attractive beauty like flour in a flower pot
foreign and unknown, yet so vaguely familiar
from different walks of life
your paths cross
oh, but they quickly un-cross in the blink of an eye
and you begin to wonder what-if?
what if i had smiled at him and then asked for his number
what if i had stopped and asked her for the time
what if i had grinned and then said hi
many great things could come out of unintended interactions
what if we were made for one another and were thoroughly clickable
but we hesitate due to human made boundaries of what should be
what might have been would eventually become a mere dream
one day, some day lah, we'l all grow closer.
after-note: haha buay tahan but i think the last line damn corny. but appropriate lah so as much as i cringe each time i read what i just wrote, i am not gonna erase.
another after note: not mandatory for beautiful stranger to be terribly physically attractive. not the literal kind of gorgeous. just someone you find yourself immensely attracted to in a very deep way,for not much reason; or rhyme. and sometimes if you look a little harder, you'd see he/she looks at you the same funny tingly way too.
here are some pretty pictures.

rina is drawn to beautiful strangers too! like metal to magnet.
i promise you, the Final Note: I absolutely love the song played at the starting of the movie- Can't take my eyes off you/blowdrier's daughter. or blowweaver's daughter. or blow something daughter. Wadcha waiting for, GO WATCH ALREADY.
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