one eyecandy less

my sisters are funny apparently they read my blog while i was in singapore
after reading the 'i think and hate' vday post they asked me
jie! what happened? are you okay?
nothing happened i am perfectly sane the post was motivated by one of those deep-in-thought-i-shall-philosphise moments. not everyting blog-ed is representative of exact specific events taking place in my life.
i explain.
just random thoughts and views and perceptions scribbled in colour on a blank canvas. sometimes i use too much black without meaning too but then again there is beauty in black. that is what i blog for.
for random thoughts views and perceptions, not black in case you are unsure. haha
i'd rather you not know what i ate for dinner today and the day before and the day before yesterday. whether i fell asleep after watching australian news on tv or whether i remembered to brush my teeth in the morning first thing after waking up (eeek). like you needed to know.
on a side note altogether, the blockbuster store somewhere near my house shut down whilst i was in singapore and there used to be a cute asian dude working there. i once asked him whether the Sims2 computer game (yes i used to be a Sims addict)was available for rental(because my dad refused to buy) and he dashingly said "i'm sorry, its not".
how i wish he said "....but i am (available for rental)."
hurhur but now that the shop has shut down so suddenly i am momentarily upset that i have one eyecandy less to ogle at. :(
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