Bye Ming!

my cousin left today and darn i forgot to ask him how to say "ooer i think you are ab-soh-lute-ly hot stuff" in german. haha so u know to further hone my guy pick-upping skills..hurhur.
anyway still loads of pitter patter shit to be acomplished; got to start contributing towards a group project, research has to be done (absolutely loathe it).
and i had discussion with strange topic of idealbeauty with my sister which i might go into detail someother day. currently terribly sleepy and cannot think coherently. my g'ma is still in hospital,visited her today shes fussy with food la ;) wants giam chai teng. aiyo.
totally off point, guys like girls whom they feel they can protect. well i cannot deny that protection doesnt feel good but its not entirely necessary or rather not of absolute priority in that sense. its good if the guy is able to be macho manly and protect but not the only essential thing on checklist? thats my view; guys view- they like small lil prettaey vulnerable damsels in distress can hold their small hands in the big bad rain that sorta shite.
thats why when women become too independent they become intimidated la.
I disagree. Thats generalizing. As i believe i mentioned to you beforei don't mind taking up the feminine role of being the housekeeper while the woman go "put the bread on the table". Having a girl who is totally dependent on you is annoying. You want to be able to pamper your partner but having her refuse (nicely, of course)is really nice too.
It's all about give and take really and yeah~ Personally not really into hello kitty girls (small, cute and too happy). Acting cute once in awhile is nice, acting dependent once in awhile is nice but constantly will be a pain in the butt. :P
chiang wey: haha hello kitty girls?! wth. aiyah not all la but most guys like to feel secure in that they'l be able to protect their gfs so if girls are more successful, independent,bigger money earners,harder to find a partner..need to elaborate but im quite lazy la.. ahha
lifeofatrader: ahh tall tall is tall? haha
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