bake your own cake and eat it

The downside to things:
Herbal essence smells really nice but makes your hair really dry
The upside to things:
Herbal essence makes your hair really dry but smells really nice.
So u see the fact is herbal essence is dry and nice at the same time but it can suck or rock depending on the perspective of the user.
Easy peasy! a nice lesson on wisdom in a small paragraph. Hurhur.
Now, lets talk about the boyfriend girlfriend thing
Relationships sound boring, love sounds cliche.
lets call it bang bang boom.
when u meet someone u really like/lust physically u begin to wonder if there is potential to bang bang boom.(please detox your minds)
u wait for that fizzle to sizzle and pretty much want to stalk him (or her)(read with pinch of salt)
Clock-clock shoes
my sister bought a pair of heels the other day and my other sister loves prancing around in em (note: at home). Make that 3 of us: we all like to prance around in em cept their’s is a size too small so I am basically in much discomfort everytime I attempt to set foot in those shoes. I do not own any pair of heels and I’d much prefer flip flops thank you very much. They are my comfort feet-wear; my lifeboat in the storm. Your toes are liberated because they can breathe. Though during winter they may freeze la, but that’s another story. Haha sadly you sometimes have to wear something more that flip flops to make you seem more erm, proper? When we were young we loved playing dress up and princess and all that shite and desperately anticipated wearing high-heeled shoes during play time, unfortunately, my mum only had the occasional pair and we had to make do with mediocore shorter- than- normal high-heeled shoes. Bah, bad on you mum. Then again, maybe the distaste for all things/footwear high is genetically inherited.
As you can see, I cannot stick to one topic for long unless I have constant inspiration/motivation/drive to complete a post. I get distracted very easily. Like how I’d listen to a song halfway and then switch to another because I want to groove to a different beat already. Speaking of songs, I absolutely Love Pachebel’s Canon in D. It is highly melodious and terribly addictive and soothing to the soul. Go download the version by Yanni, cause it rocks. Just like how I think the smell of herbal essence shampoo rocks but I still don’t buy it cause it’s more expensive than most shampoos, and I can live without (its Orgasmic Smell, Haha). Plus, I hate how it makes my hair dry.
P/S: Shall continue with the Bang Bang Boom Story another time, I have to get ready to see my mum’s friend’s new born kid. Ooer. How exciting.
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