Before Sunset

Einstien : If you don’t believe in any kind of magic/mystery, you’re basically as good as dead.
I just found another favourite movie to add on to my list.
It is called ‘Before Sunset’ and it is amazing.
The dialogue in the movie has the most quality conversations I have ever listened to in such a long time.
Memory would be a wonderful thing if we don’t have to deal with the past/ We’re as good as dead. There are so many things I wanna do, but I end up doing not much
It is so magical yet real, spurned of a chance relationship between two strangers from different cities, who were supposed to meet but didn’t and then thought they lost each other forever, a slim near zero chance of contacting each other; so near yet so far.
Nothing in that coffin resembled what I remembered of her; all the warmth was gone
A tale of what could have been. How you could be in so many relationships yet still find it unsatisfying, or less than mediocore relationships in which you like him and he likes you but, no spark. Or worse still, only polite nice spark. Boring.
People will be more or less the same: an optimistic jovial person after an accident will still be an optimistic jovial person in a wheelchair; a petty miserable asshole after winning the lottery will still be a petty miserable asshole with a mansion and five cars.
The whole movie ends in one day, with the characters still in the same piece of clothing throughout. Real time, people live think and interact. Real issues real world real awkwardness and like mixed up together in a bowl. Yet the need to pretend that you don’t actually really care, but deep down you know you do, and you secretly wish that the guy you liked, did too.
Men need to feel essential, but they don’t anymore, it’s been imprinted in their heads for so many years that they had to be the provider
It is short, surprisingly sweet and very much to the point. It sums up so much of what life is and who we are in such a small segment of love and reality.
We are the sum of all the moments in our lives
You are intrigued and drawn and share a strange bubbling chemistry with this other person but so many other written rules and boundaries that for example prevent you from jumping up grabbing their hand or touching their cheek. Does he/she have a boyfriend/girlfriend or maybe she’s interested in someone else; or he might not like me the same way I like him and the list goes on.
I feel very much like im doing a movie review here heh. I dislike movie reviews really cos they don’t tell much so I’d advice you to go watch the movie for yourself to see. I just saw the behind the scenes segment and realised that this is actually a sequel to the movie “Before Sunrise”. So please note, this movie I am watching now is called “Before Sunset” 2004. haha pretty confusing eh. Sunrise sunset same old same old.
It’s almost a rhythm in which the conversation flows. You’d think you’d get bored listening to so much human-speak but you find yourself hanging on their every word because the words the exchange are so similar to basic human experiences, how everyone thinks their neighbour leads the “perfect life” ; but there is no such thing as a perfect life, and your neighbour’s problems are probably hidden and 10 times worse then yours. But you don’t know because you’re too busy wallowing in your own self-inflicted sorrows.
In a nutshell, you could spend a span of one year with a classmate daily during curriculum hours and only know their last name and favourite colour. But you could also spend one night with an acquaintance and by the next day know their hurt their pain their love their joy and their favourite colour. Pretty amazing yeah?!
I really love this movie, every single line is quote-worthy it’s so rich in content and ideals and human experience. Go watch it!
You can never replace anyone, because everyone is made of such beautiful specific detail
Rent/Buy: Before Sunset
Download Music: An Ocean Apart and A waltz for a night both by Julie Delpy
The problem with people is that they think too much and do too little. Also we are very scared of the truth. The truth is there whether or not we are ready to embrace it. The idea is to go and get to know it and accept it and live in it. If nothing is done by the end of the day, there will be no result thus starting another 'what if'. This i guess is pretty much the problem with the world. Not enough people are taking the opportunity and then regretting it afterwards. For me, if i don't do something about something i should have, i try and not whine about it and accept the choice that i have made. Makes life easier i guess....but i dunno, i'm as screwed up as everybody else, maybe even more so. Just some thoughts from a lonely fool who doesn't know where to or where from.
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