play beautiful by james blunt when you read this post

i like the song
my life is brilliant
my love is pure
i saw an angel
of that of shore (?!)
she smled at me on the subway
she was with another man
cause ive got a plan
ure beautiful
i saw ur face in a croweded place and i dont know what to do
ure beautiful
but i cant escape the truth
i will never be with you
u caught my eye as i walked on by
she could see from my face tht i was fucking high
i dont think that i'l see here again
but we shared a moment that would last till the end
yeah these are the lyrics from my first hand listening.
no copying it off
so like james blunt is singing and im like rushing typing
sometimes my fingers are slightly clumsy for the keys and i click
on two letters instead of one then i hurridley press "backspace"
and then by the time i would have missed two whole lines already.
can u imagine when u see someone someday whom u think is absolutely
gorgeous (nope not in the model material context) and someone the same cut as you (only of a different sex) who looks thinks talks acts breathes like you (no not your carbon copy that would be boring but im sure you get what i mean)
But you dont know that someone?
like a glimpse a short insight a fleeting moment
then ure like shithellcrapfuck all the rubbish also comeout..haha actually its not that extreme la..but i think you get what i mean..and it doesnt normally happen really when it does, u hate the fact that you see this stranger but you feel strangely connected. weird right!
maybe its some kinda strange mechanism that ticks in your brain makes it go slightly googoo gaagaa.
shit micheal buble is playing now..its just right after james blunt on my playlist. he is soothing but Boring! haha can seeeriously make me go to sleep!
you;re strangely attracted to this foreign face and you feel so drawn in..but you dont know what to bloody do cause you know you wont see this person again- say its a public place or a sidewalk or a pasar malam girl selling fishballs..
butright, obviously if you knew the person, then sparks will fly obviously, if there is mutual attraction. thats how some people couple themselves up together.
but then again youve got those damn good friends kind, then love slowly starts to blossom due to a continual exposure of each other (may be good or bad: debatble). Maybe sian no one else to like so you end up liking your good girl/guy friend la! or maybe you genuinely grow to love and care for each other- which for me personally i find would be rather awkward cos if its platonic initially then i dont see how it can grow to romanticism! it'l be like
guy: ooh you look like sugar today
girl: shuddup! eeek. tortiseface why are you talking to me like that
some shit like that la. its just plain weird ass shit
i know heaps of people would beg to differ
but somehow i'd prefer to start of something with a small sense of atrraction at least. then it'l be on the right path
if its a pure platonic friendship, i feel it'l be a deviating.
then its like wrong and it feels funny
and then u've got the whole how some girls are really comfy with guys and unintentionally (or intentionally) lead guys on but that is another story. ;)
whoa iwrtie somuch already
ive gottat get ready to go to school now
always remember: You're Beautiful!
hahah. * my teacher always taught me to link back to the topic at the conclusion of an essay. so there.
p/s i like how james blunt sings the '"fffuccckin'" High bit. so swwoonsome.
Hmmz...personally, i don't think one can really love a person based on 'first-sight'. Basically love-at-first-sight syndrome. Don't get it...never will. I mean, u can feel really attracted to a person the moment u see one but i believe thats ur hormons talking. Crudely, its lust. Disgusting as it may sound, thats the way it is. I mean, i have had my fair share of "love-at-first-sights" but after looking at it from distant angle, doesn't seem to make any sense whatsoever to be able to fall in love someone like that. I mean yeah, you're beautiful....doesn't mean i love you...getwhatimsaying?
yeah absolutely...physical attraction on the surface is equivalent to lust..i dont think its disgusting though. haha like its cool to perve at hot guys- why not?! lol.
u have to grow to love a person, cant do that at first sight
what im just saying is sometimes you feel strangely drawn to someone similar to you or prolly someone who plainly fits ur 'ideal' list etc
nothing to do with Lovin' at First Sight cause that does not exist ;)
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