i like bubble in my tea.

If Coke makes you cool, Bubble tea makes you cooler.
bloody mypicgallery. two pics i put up they say cannot show cos got questionable content. one pic had the a guy holding up a piece of paper with the word shit and another had a girl with bare breasts w.o visible nipples posing with the word bitch. very questionable meh?!
i used to have pictures of the bubble tea i buy, but they all gone now, better still because www.mypicgallery.com will probably not publish it and put: "questionable content- black balls at the bottom of transparent plastic cup"
just yesterday i had bubble tea with fadzly and romi,
and fadzly says- "i dont really like these bubbles in my tea",
and i say "what bubbles?"
he says "these black
i say "pearls, fadzly, pearls"
he shrugs and says "whatever."
if u drink bubble tea, u have to know bubble tea. i love bubble tea, so calling pearls bubbles is a huge insult to a bubble tea fan that is me.
they say what u choose is an indirect indicator of your personality.
so if i am reluctant to choose a different flavour each time i buy bubble tea, am i possibly unwilling to take risks?
after weighing the consequences, i do realise it is stupid to invest in say, watermelon strawberry flavoured bubble tea and roll $3.50 australian friggin dollars down the drain. i'd rather delight in my plain old boring bubble tea flavour(s) and be satisfied knowing i have made a safe pleasant choice i will definately not regret.
but aiyah sometimes in life you have to take big chances, step into the unknown, risk losing (more than) AU $3.50 end up with a yucky foreign aftertaste in order to find another safe flavour (like honeydew). So yah, always 2 sides to the coin (story..wahtever) u see?
with that said, my favourite bubble tea flavours are:
(in no order of preference)
1. Green Apple
2. Blueberry
3. Grape
4. HoneyDew (Risk that became safe)
5. Green Apple
6. Blueberry
7. Grape
8. HoneyDew
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