my honeybunz

hmmm my mind tends to get pretty messy quickly but good thing it can snap out of its messy state as quickly as it gets into it.
just rushed through my group report and as a result had to skip attending something else but it was due to unforseen circumstances lah and argghh i feel damn stressed about it. both the report and the meant to be. hai.
u know sometimes i'd love to fast forward >>> to the glitz and glam of the corporate world, go for cocktail parties in pretty dresses and socialize with cute bankers and lawyers. hurhur. that would be fun wouldnt it ;) work in a modern high rise shenton way office over looking the um, esplanade? singapore river? or whatevr is below basically marble floor nice big clean glass windows executive looking desks and chairs and a hot boss. hahaha
dreams dreams dreams. i read about the anarchy situation in new orleans, pretty damn scary how a developed usa could end up as chaotic as a third world nation. u see what i mean by when it happens in say ethopia or yugoslavia or iraq no one blinks a bloody eye then when it happens to big grand usa people get up and take notice. it must be a pretty humbling experience for us to accept aid from other "lesser" (subject to intepretation)countries. rape looting and perhaps killing? in the u s of a. i like saying the "U S of A" ahah sounds cool doesnt it.
i want and desperately NEED a car. i cannot be relying on my parents to drive me around forever. plus, they're so unsporting and we have totally different goals expectations and body clocks. they sleep im awake. i sleep they're awake. then i get nagged repeatedly in the mornings. urgh. back to topic. i need car. but first i should work at getting my license. haha
sigh why do i even sigh.
ok say if i had an object of affection
i would write a poem and it would go like this:
i like the way you comb your hair
and part it down the middle, leh
i like the way you eat koko crunch
it makes me want to skip my lunch
i like the way you fall asleep
on my lap your eyelashes they flutter
so sweetly i take constant peeps
hehe you make me giggle nice and girly
i like the way your hair grows
so curly
oh my darling sweetie pie
if i ever leave you dont you cry
cos i'l be serendading (how to spell) with a lullabye!
i dunno wassup with the last sentence. but nice try right
i can become poet christine kam pei en
ok im gettting lame bye
I think i should give you a crash course...hurhur...lolz. Not that i am any good myself and as you always say, anything can be ART. So yeah...disregard my wanting to give you a crash course. Anything goes...good try! (though i suggest you go use spellcheck... ;P)
chiangwey! at first im like huh crash course in what, driving?! then i thought cant be..then i was like orrh..poem ah..yeah..yes its ARTistic my poem like it that way!!! ;)maybe I can give YOU a crash course in arty farty COOL ass poems (just like mine)lol
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