Haircuts can be beautiful in Lebanon

its funny and sorta somewhat cool that you could see things in different ways; like a bad haircut you've mulled over for a weekend doesnt seem half as bad as your crushing semester 1 results; and those shit ass results are just a man- made conclusion of your supposed ability and capability as a person diagnosed to you by an institution you pay that is formally recognised by the world to grade and package you in order to dump you in a suitable occupation they deem fit.
This avenue is through which you would earn material wealth proportionate to those shit ass results you have attained regardless of your actually ability (because nobody really gives a damn); it is this process of events that eventually determines your worth (to the world).
For example, a painter paints beautiful pictures; but he is poor. his talent and ability is not recognised by the world; this doesnt dispel the fact that he paints well, and has immense worth as a person; he is just not acknowledged. a painter dies, and his paintings become famous. he has worth to the world now.
Like a rollercoaster spinning around in all angles, and an absolute myriad of emotions; life pushes on and off your plate random pieces of misgivings. and its really how you see it that determines what positive you could make out of the negative.
you see the war in lebanon? most of us are more concerned about the bills we have to pay. essentially we still have our own share of this and that;chunks of individual worries and lives to lead, we could symphatize with the innocent civillians deliberately massacred by mass weapons of destruction;(due to long standing conflict of political and religious differences) in the utter comfort of our living room; over a cup of branded english tea. we are happy. we are happy in relation to big bad war. we are sad in relation to the money that we make doesnt seem sufficient for the bills we have to pay. so we become depressed.
It is this general whirlwind cycle that drags you in when you are so focused on the micro bits of any situation. and it is a pretty harmful process which i extremely dislike.
Anyhoos, if you have read this far you would have realised that the picture doesnt have much relevance to the post.i recieved an email from new urban male promoting their latest catalogue and theyve got new vintage tees.
i like vintage tees. they make you look cool but distant. something very frenchy-chic about backdated tee-shirts with retro slogans. Also, i liked the body in which this t-shirt was placed upon.
Guys with a tanned, sporty stature like that make me swoon. just a- l-i-t-t-l-e bit. It sorta ups your heartbeat especially if he were smart, strong, witty,intelligent and very humorous; evenmore if he had some affection for you. If he were somebody to share mind-blowing conversation with; sexy exchanges of intellectual/political/spritual/religious bits of information, world affairs; an open mind. Open to travel and discovery and things in the moment; Spontaneity is very important.
Life is too short to always revolve around a set plan.
ooh, now ive made my philosophical muse sound more like an online dating ad. But i like beautiful things; and i bet you like beautiful things i discuss beautiful men in beautiful t-shirts with beautiful people like you. =)
it's all relative.
and yes, sporty & tanned statures do make good eye candy. we can all appreciate and admire beauty *wakakaka*
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