marriage; till death do us part.

Instead of constructing an organized post, I am going to semi-blab here.
Usually when I think of a word I think of a string of other things that connect to the word; something like a thought-tree. So, like a tree, my thought material branches into many different lines of theories/series of questions/hypothesis (es).
Sort of like with “bible” you think God which then connects to religion which is connected to blasphemy which in turn connects to Da Vinci and then the possible hoax, which leads to questions like fact or fiction, or is Christianity for real; and then you think of Christians; which in turn leads you to think of their frantic attempts at evangelism, and their faith, and issues of whether it is blind, or given, objective or subjective.
Therefore, naturally, with the word ‘marriage’, I conjured a whole tank-full of thoughts up in my head.
Why do people marry? Why do most people marry? If you main purpose in life is not to marry or your life not based solely around the hunt for a mate then are you severely dysfunctional? What if you want to marry late? Worse still, what if you are a GIRL AND YOU WANT TO MARRY LATE? Or if you don’t wanna marry are you strange, are you weird? Do all girls dream of getting married? (We have to bear in mind gender roles and what influences them; social/biological but that is another story) What is marriage? Why does one marry? What causes one to marry? What influence is one under when they decide to marry? Is LOVE ALWAYS THE SOLE DECIDING FACTOR? Is marriage a tradition; or is it the norm, or is marriage both a tradition and the norm? Is it an essential must-do in life? What is the current attitude towards marriage? Do you marry with divorce as a possibility or till death do you part? Is marriage necessarily connected with love- i.e. do you marry then fall in love or fall in love then marry? Or what if you fall in love and not marry? Is that wrong, is that a sin, would you go to hell? Does your marriage need to be recognised by law? (informal union/defacto) What sort of marriage, homosexual; heterosexual? What if I’m a girl and I like a girl or if I like a guy that likes a guy then who will marry who?
“I won’t think about marriage until I hit thirty.”
And then came the blatant response:
“Who wants to marry an old hag?”
why do you want to marry
i have to marry because i am the only son and therefore i have the responsibility to continue the family name.
Well if that someone is narrow-minded enough to consider a thirty year old successful woman) in her prime (Re: Sex and The Awesome City) an old hag, then please go fuck yourself and find a nice demure quiet village wife who will happily bear your kids and spread your seed so you can continue your precious bloodline so to speak. Who wants to marry a fucked up male with a fucked up mind with fucked up sperm to continue his fucked up bloodline?
There will be more than enough girls who will be willing to fall at your feet and mate with you because they want a protector a father for their kids, a breadwinner and a provider. And there will be even more girls who will steer clear away from you; because they do not need you to be their protector and provider; also because of your retarded mindset that will be your ultimate downfall. In this era, we make our own decisions and whether we want to get married or have kids or not is really not Your decision to make.
Yeah pardon the excessive use of fucks I swear I am normally quite nice and don’t usually overload on the fucks. Only when necessary. I made an exception this time.
Anyway, to continue the marriage debate; the perspective from which you look at marriage contributes to your thinking. Is it sacred and for life; or is it temporal and in the moment? In the old fashioned context a woman had to marry a man because it was her ticket out of life. In the modern context a woman will have to marry a man especially if she is Chinese from the mainland and wants a ticket out of Communist China.
No, really.
In the modern context people marry because they assume they have found love. Either that, they will settle for the mediocre love they have conveniently found and marry because they are getting old; as a security for their future. People marry now for all the wrong reasons, so they can have kids, on whom to impose their hopes and dreams on; to make their son become the lawyer or doctor they could never be. To ensure that there will be someone at their funeral when they die. We Evolve. We Become Families. Marriages become Families; Families ensure Procreation. Procreation ensures Survival. Survival of the HumanKind.
And So We Marry
And We Worry About Not Marrying
And Worry about Who We’re Gonna Marry.
The fat girl that ugly boy? Oh no bad genes.
We are the Worry- Nation. Consumerism. Perfection.
But these; they belong to other thought-trees.
(Please Note: Yes Marriage may be a happy thing; two people fall in love and marry for the right reasons; raising kids and wanting the best for them is not necessarily a wrong intention; the list can go on. And no, I am not always this pessimistic. I also dont happen to be a man-eating feminist. Just absorb and think more by yourself. I don’t have enough space here to write all the pros for every con. I am feeling more con towards marriage now. So there. =) )
Wah...i just had to...cannot control the need to comment.
Marriage, to me, is a result of two people feeling the need to have someone they can lean on to for the rest of their lives. One can only take care of themselves so much. Parents die. Friends can only be that, friends. No matter how emotionally sensitive friends are, you can't expect them to forgive everything you have done.
Traditionally a marriage constitutes trust and respect. I think it extends further than that and includes forgiveness or unconditional love. That's the true sense of it. That's why it is more socially accepted that only couples who have married should have children. Should an unmarried couple have children, things may go wrong and affect the child...possibly permanently traumatizing him/her. In marriage there's the whole i gotta think twice before i do something stupid/my life's not just my own now...i gotta think of my family.
Well, it all ends whether u want someone who will be there for you no matter what or you want to have ur genes passed down. If u are the type who just wants to enjoy life and then pass away (possibly alone) marriage is definitely not for u...and if u do get married, it probably will fail.
That's my input anyways...
See the thing with your argument here is that it doesn't necessarily apply to all sections of society (because not everyone is as just as you are in r/ships) and (pardon me if I'm wrong)I think that's what Christine meant - The big picture of why we tie the proverbial knot.
Not everyone is as 'considerate' to think of their two kids and wife when they're out cheating. Furthermore, children from divorced marriages are just as likely to suffer, if not more, from de facto relationships; why does that clause only have to apply to unmarried couples? That in turn asks the question, does marriage actually validate a meaningful, affectionate relationship - my answer is no. A relationship with or without kids, within or without the confines of the law/religion/society is still just as valid as an 'official' one.
There's a multitude of reasons why people marry and the bottom line is whether you're married or not, as long as you're both happy then that's that. Nuff said.
exactly right. Kudos to you wani!!!
its not so much what a marriage constitutes of (i.e. the specifics of marriage) but the bigger picture. the reason people feel the need to put an OFFICIAL LABEL (in the form of marriage)to their Relationship.
People may find joy in that as you said. and fine by them. but the problem lies in those wanting/needing a label for their relationship for the wrong reasons.
you totally get the point! =)
Ok...erm...maybe i din exactly get through what it was i was trying to say.
Personally, i don't really care if someone is married or not. It's not my life. Just like i dun really care if a person is gay or not. Marriage to me is like a...mmm..reminder. A reminder that we are not just responsible to ourselves but also to those that are affected by us and our lives. In family, well, there's the blood ties. We cannot deny our family. But if we were to include an outsider into our circle of life ie. financially, responsibilities, living together, cooking together, etc., usually the answer to sorta merge the other into this is marriage. I know it sounds suffocating to many but it's just like the rest of the world i guess. We need laws to govern society so that is doesn't turn into anarchy.
Even though there are laws against killing, drug trafficking, etc it doesn't mean that ppl won't do them. It's just like marriage. Just because ppl get married doesn't mean that they won't cheat on their spouse. But look at it this way. If there was no marriage then all hell will break lose. No one can be held accountable for anything. Everyone will be everyone else's fuck buddy. "We're friends but we have sex too!"
I guess this is why we tie the proverbial knot. As a security measure to ensure that this love/part of our life will not just run away. Well let's just think about our roof. Just because we did not submit a written contract, the buggers are now screwing us over with denials. We can't hold anything against them because we don't have it down in black and white.
I'm not trying to be antagonistic here and i do agree with the notion of "why should everyone just do what society deems as right?" but i just felt that the post was too left-side, if you know what i mean. But i guess it's just me. I appreciate the idea of marriage and to hear someone shout out against it so badly just disturbs me. I hope the metropolitan american culture is not drowning out our asian family values (which i appreciate very much as well - even though i speak out against it occasionally)
No one ever mentioned a thing about asian family values versus metropolitan american culture. Who's to say which culture is better anyway? Different story altogether ;)
The point of my argument is not whether marriage is bad or good, as u might have perceived but that marriage ultimately does not validate whatever bond you have with another person, heterosexual or otherwise. That statement could be taken both ways, whichever you like.
I appreciate marriage for all of its good and whatnot but once again, I don't think Chris's post was about the reasons people get together in the first place. Granted, it is a more unconventional opinion but hey, that's why we have the chance to debate =)
Man...i wish we were back in high school and could actually go all out between teams...good times...good times.
cw: this post has Nothing/ZILCH to do with asian family tradition/breakdown of family unit/evil invasion of supposed 'morally loose'american values into asian culture.
its totally off point.
we're not talking abt the specifics/nitty gritty of marriage(-issues of trust respect etc). look at the bigger picture.
marriage is good marriage is kind marriage is all things holy and beneficial.
the fact that people misconstrue marriage or enter it for the wrong reasons or impose their stupid beliefs on other people that all people should marry otherwise you are abnormal- that is wrong.
people should have the choice.
the choice to be in a homosexual, de facto relationship without getting married.
a relationship as wani said does NOT need the official title of 'marriage' for validation.
you can go ahead and marry and build a nice normal hetrosexual marriage with two and a half kids and a good wife who cleans her kitchen well. if that is what makes you happy (and proud to be asian).
just like how a girl can be happy with a boy and not be called weird for not wanting to marry.
no one at all is stopping you =).
just dont stop other people and blame the west for the supposed de-construction of the stable family unit.
good luck and have fun.
I agree we all have choices we can make, and we are blessed with free will in life. Whether or not we make the right choices with the free will we enjoy is totally another matter. Personally, I think humans make wrong choices everyday of their lives and totally abuse the free will we enjoy.
You are most definitely right, a marriage without love and covenant is an empty one, and the title of 'Married' becomes totally empty and baseless. But I think marriage is still important because it represents a public declaration of your promise to stay with each other 'till death do us part'. Sure, de facto couples may enjoy the same love and bliss that married couples enjoy, but how often do you see de facto couples staying together right till the end? It does happen, but rarely. Marriage binds the two, so to speak, in a sort of covenant and makes it harder to break.
That being said, if the love is gone, even marriage will not hold them together. But I just think that if you loved someone you'd want to declare and promise your love for them publicly, in the form of a marriage ceremony.
joel- marriage is perfectly fine.
there is a difference in the presumption of the abuse of free will versus making a sensible decision in choosing not to marry for the sake of marrying(i.e. shelf life reached etc).
given that you have a good partner whom you deeply love, to showcase and affirm that love in the form of marriage is a perfectly appropriate thing to do.
but that said,
marriage in being a sacred covanent will also not prevent divorces from occuring. and you will see that the free will to choose; (in waiting longer before marrying/marrying A instead of B)is actually a useful thing.
helooo my dear cousin......lovely post.....could feeeel the "aura" surround this issue......LOL.....
You go babe! :)
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